They say that everyone has two ages: your actual age and your spiritual age. For our family…
At seven years old, Anton is secretly a goofy 16-year-old, who loves making TikTok videos and wearing ramen noodle sweatshirts. At bedtime, he’ll catch me up on school gossip — who has crushes, who is a fast runner, who wore a slap bracelet — and ask me how old you have to be to go to prom.
Eleven-year-old Toby’s inner self is a super sweet middle-aged dad. He enjoys booking rental cars, finding good Airbnbs, and organizing our trip logistics. He loves nothing more than making a solid plan for the day, and he knows all our neighbors’ names — even more than I do! (I’ll be like, ‘Shoot, what’s Tallulah’s mom’s name?’ And he’ll lean over and whisper, ‘Jennifer.’)
What’s your child’s spiritual age? And what’s yours?
P.S. Toby and Anton in conversation, and the little things that enchant children.
(Top photo of Toby and my dad.)