English garden

What are you up to this weekend? I wanted to tell you, in case your ears were burning, that my friend Jason Kottke wrote a beautiful post about Cup of Jo commenters: “The truly marvelous thing about Cup of Jo is the comments. That’s right, the comments. They are always good, often great, and occasionally sublime.” I 100% agree with him, and I could not love this community more. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being here. Hope you have a good one, and here are a few links from around the web…

The movie I’m Your Man looks great. For three weeks, for a research study, a scientist in Berlin must live with a humanoid robot designed to be the perfect life partner for her.

My new favorite beauty product. (Look at the before and afters!)

A simple trick for better scrambled eggs.

Why is the sex in Sally Rooney’s books so good? (New York Magazine)

Oooh, a Winnie-the-Pooh-inspired Airbnb.

How cool are these aerial drone photos?!

Is delaying conflict the key to a happy relationship? This married couple talks about their disagreements only at scheduled meetings every three months. (The Atlantic)

Getting excited for fall food.

What’s your favorite movie from the ’90s? I’d say Fargo.

Found! The world’s best-smelling soap, truly.

Wedding comics by the wonderful Brooke Barker.

Plus, two reader comments:

Says Dana on 11 reader comments on childhood memories: “In first grade, I did a worksheet where you had to fill in the blanks in common idioms. Not many six-year-olds know the phrase ‘a stitch in time saves nine,’ so I didn’t exactly ace this assignment. The best mistake I made was: ‘Don’t count your buffalo before they’ve sat!’ I remember coming home, bereft by how badly I had done on this worksheet, and my mom assured me that it would be way too hard to count a bunch of roaming buffalo, so it was an excellent guess. And for the past 30+ years, any time someone is counting their chickens before they’ve hatched, we warn them: don’t count your buffalo before they’ve sat!

Says Nicole on do you have a lucky meal: “Self pity pasta. During COVID, I’ve procured a habit of ordering pasta with vodka sauce, topped with a big hunk of burrata, when I’m having a bad day. Paired with a crisp Diet Coke…guaranteed to delight.”

(Photo by Ruth Black/Stocksy.)