What are you up to this weekend? Alex is taking the boys to test drive a Tesla tonight. It’s basically their childhood dream come true! And I’ll be brainstorming our Thanksgiving menu — what’s on yours? One thing I’ve decided so far is that we’ll have roast potatoes versus mashed. Hope you have a good one, and here are a few fun links from around the web…
I just got this cheery coat and am loving it.
The Sorta Marathon — just like a real marathon, but only .2 miles long — made me laugh.
Swimmer Diana Nyad: “My life after sexual assault.”
A lovely studio apartment with a twin bed.
This movie looks great. (Love Frances McDormand.)
“What’s the one thing I can do today to improve my mood?”
Score! The best wine glasses are only $5.
Who wants some tater tot hotdish?
A spoof: The 13 questions that lead to divorce. (“Where’s the Apple TV remote?”)
Such a cozy sweater for the fall.
Plus, two reader comments:
Says Meg on 14 reader comments about dating: “On knowing if a person is ‘the one,’ my mother once described it like light. For some people, it’s like a lightswitch. Boom, light! Boom, you know! And for others, maybe it’s more like a sunrise. Indistinguishable at first. Light coming so gradually that you almost don’t notice until all of a sudden, you find yourself in the full bright sun. I always thought that was a beautiful and patient way to think of love and ‘knowing.’ The great love in my life was a sunrise.”
Says Julia on kids in conversation: “My eight-year-old son recently stated, “I hate math.’ I said: ‘Really? Is it so bad? Don’t you like it a little bit sometimes?’ He said: ‘You know, kids can only LOVE or HATE things.'”
Have a good one. xoxo
(Photo by Nico. Sorta Marathon via Manhattan Users Guide. Improving mood via 3 Chairs.)