Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park

I have a question for the group: Where do you love to travel in the U.S.?

When my siblings and I were little, my dad would take us on a “Great Adventure” every summer (or, as he would say, the “G.A.”). We would borrow a friend’s minivan and drive a couple days from Michigan to Yellowstone National Park or Grand Teton National Park. My dad’s driving rules were that we had to look up from our books whenever there was a view and that we couldn’t eat at any chain restaurants. We would stay in motels on the road but camp once we arrived. Now that I’m a parent, I’d love to show our kids the country, too.

Where else do you love to travel in the U.S.? I’d love to hear. (We went to Maine for the past two years, and we loved the rocky beaches and lobster rolls. And our kids adore Austin!)

P.S. The weirdest best part of trips, and my packing list for England. Plus, Cup of Jo city guides.

(Top photo of Yellowstone by Christian Gideon/Stocksy.)