Beyoncé and Jay Z getting off a private plane

Beyoncé and Jay Z getting off a private plane

Are you planning any trips this year? With a forehead smack, I just learned this airplane tip…

Never fly with makeup on.

In her email newsletter, beauty genius Eva Chen recently explained:

“When I was at ELLE magazine many moons ago, I wrote an article about what airplane air does to your skin (zero percent humidity = crazy dehydration = micro fissures in skin = baking makeup into your pores). Ever since then I cleanse right before getting on a plane and then apply tons of facial oil on the plane. If you forget to bring products, hang out at Kiehl’s or La Mer before you board and slather yourself with samples.”

Until now, I would fly with a full face of makeup and then wonder why my skin would freak out on trips! Now I know. I love these travel wipes and now I’ll use them before boarding; and lately I’ve been using this super hydrating face cream, which has a serious cult following.

Thoughts? What are your plane rituals? Do you pack a picnic? Sleep? Read? Are you heading anywhere soon?

PS My five go-to travel beauty products, and 15 ways to be comfy on a plane.

(Photo of Beyoncé and Jay Z by Robin Harper.)