heart bread

What are you up to this weekend? I’m hoping to watch the movie Flee, about which the Times UK wrote, “All but the hardest of hearts will shatter. It’s a film that ends in tears of joy.” Have a good one, and here are a few links from around the web…

My winter secret to dewy skin.

Every episode of a show written by Julian Fellowes, haha.

My seatbelt rule for making judgements.”

Sweetheart pizzas.

How cute are these Valentine-y pajamas?

The idea of banning books makes me insane. (The Atlantic)

17 iconic wallpapers every design lover should know.

Wow, look at these mountain climbing photos. (NYTimes)

5 sweet ways to be your own Valentine.

Hold that parking spot!

I was also reading this comment round-up the other day and thinking, omg I love you guys so much.

Plus, three reader comments:

Says Melissa on heart-shaped dinner ideas: “My husband and I went to Paris for our honeymoon, and I guess we came across as lovey dovey because, one night at dinner, our beef tartare came out in the shape of a heart! The waitstaff were so excited to bring it to us; it was clearly not a regular menu item and they had gone out of their way to do something romantic. In this case, the romantic gesture was a big plate of raw beef. We were equal parts touched and horrified. So, if that’s the vibe you’re going for this Valentine’s, consider beef tartare for your holiday food-heart!”

Says Maureen on did you have a special reading place as a kid: “My grandmother’s kitchen table was my safe space. She would always have the tea kettle on low, ready for anyone who popped in, including me. She would make me a grilled cheese, and we’d chat about life. She also had a pine tree I would read in on warm summer days. I would get covered in sap, but it was my secret reading nook. Now I want to be that kind of sanctuary for others. A place anyone — friends, my kids’ friends, neighbors — feel comfortable just popping by for tea or a drink and a chat.”

Says Ursula on Gabrielle Korn’s beauty uniform: “Seeing femme lesbian representation on this femme lesbian’s fave website made me scream sob. I just spent half an hour pointing at these hotties on my laptop and yelling at my girlfriend, ‘LOOK BABE SOME PEOPLE LIKE US ON THE INTERNET.’ Thank you for this gift.”

(Photo by Breads Bakery. Seatbelt rule via Kottke.)

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