simple wedding dresses

Ladies, one of our own is searching for a simple wedding dress, but she’s stumped…

Q. “I’m eloping next year, and I cannot find a dress for the life of me. I don’t need a frilly floor-length thing, but I still something fancier than I’d wear to the office. I’m an older bride, so I want my arms covered, and I’d prefer a knee-length or midi hem. Of course, I’m trying to stay economical, but for a dress that’s not a Bridal Gown™, that ought to be manageable. In weddings featured on Cup of Jo, I often see brides wearing joyful dresses at their weddings — but where the heck are you guys finding those?” — Amy

A. Great question!!! We’ve got this, Amy! I scouted around the internet and found some pretty looks, below, in case any of them call your name:

Readers, please add suggestions in the comment section! (This is also really pretty.) And anyone else have a pressing fashion question? xoxoxo

P.S. 7 New York City Hall weddings, and 11 wedding dos and don’ts.

(Top photo by Melissa Milis Photography/Stocksy.)

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