I had a few different post ideas for this afternoon, but, honestly, what I really want to know is, how are you?

Tell me: How are you faring? What are you eating? What are you watching/reading/doing? What are the views from your windows? What is making you laugh? What is making you cry?

I’ve been getting emails from people around the world in different situations. One that has stayed with me: “I’m 30 and live alone in a tiny studio in NYC,” wrote a reader. “I desperately need a hug and physical human contact and don’t know what to do to handle that. Maybe I’ll get a weighted blanket? I’d love some solicitation for loving vibes!”

We’re hanging in there. We made zucchini muffins, watched The Talented Mr. Ripley and have been playing lots of rounds of Memory (Toby crushes it every time). We’ve also had major kid meltdowns and moments of what-is-even-happening, followed by times, usually in the evenings after the boys are in bed, where we feel more buoyed. These days are intense.

FaceTiming with friends and family helps so much. My psychologist friend Lina (remember her from this post?) said: “When talking to your parents over FaceTime or having a Google hangout with your friends, you’re going to get that emotional regulation that comes from seeing someone’s face. When you you lock eyes with someone you love, you feel calmer. Facial cues are so important and extremely healing.” So, consider FaceTime over a regular phone call, if you’re in the mood. I’ve found them so comforting.

Lina added: “It’s only going to get easier. We’re incredibly resilient as human beings. People return to their happiness status quo. We’ll adjust and get into a rhythm and flow.”

Here’s to that. Sending love.

How are you? What are you doing these days? What’s making you feel good? What’s hard? Tell us everything. (Side note: A bunch of readers said the book is even better than the movie!)

P.S. A 175-square-foot apartment and this made me laugh.

(Photo by Stefany Alves.)

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