dean the basset

What are you up to this weekend? Toby’s getting a haircut, and we’re going to eat lunch outside at Franks Wine Bar. I’m looking forward to sunny skies. Hope you have a good one, and here are a few links from around the web…

This sweater is so pretty (and this is THE color right now).

Six screenwriters on the hardest endings they ever wrote. (Fyi, some spoilers.)

Devouring this book. Wow.

Why the filet o’fish is my gold standard of fast food.” (New York Times)

A cute and colorful Berlin kitchen.

Ted Lasso’s season two trailer.

How fit can you get from just walking? (Answer: Very.)

Funny National Park posters based on bad reviews.

How cool is this candle subscription? (Especially into this desert-themed scent.)

There will be two types of post-pandemic socializers. (The Atlantic)

Plus, two reader comments:

Says Yulia on Michelle Zauner’s beauty uniform: “I remember reading Michelle Zauner’s ‘Crying in H Mart‘ essay in the New Yorker in August 2018 and loving it so, so much that I printed it out. I still reread it periodically. Years ago when I first moved, I used to go to Eastern European grocery stores whenever I missed my family. I’d browse the aisles of pickled vegetables and tisanes and idly listen to the women chatting about nothing in particular in the way Russians and Ukrainians do. It would feel like being in a room of aunts.”

Says K on making peace with my quarantine body: “I’ve felt an overwhelming amount of grief about my weight gain, like I lost ‘the real me.’ I got married this summer at my lowest weight since high school, and I felt so confident then. But as my friend’s mom would say, I got ‘fat and happy’ very quickly in my marriage. But then my sweet friend’s mom said to me, ‘Honey, I think you’ve been stressed your whole life. You’ve finally relaxed and let your body be. Buy new clothes and feel beautiful. Because you are loved.’ It was the kindest thing. And I’m going to. Thanks, Kim, for inspiring me to start with a bikini.”

(Photo of Dean the Basset.)