liz libre's home

Do you ever get the winter blues? The trees are bare, the wind is cold and the sun sets at 4:30 p.m. Winter! It’s hard not to feel a little out of sorts. (Meanwhile, this comic always makes me laugh.) To boost spirits, my friend Liz came up with a brilliant idea…

soup group

SOUP GROUP. You invite a few friends over for an evening of soup and bread. A few weeks later, another friend hosts. And so on. That’s it!

liz libre's kitchen

The first one was at Liz’s apartment. She invited five women over for a pot of ribollita. It felt so good to just cozy up, talk about our days, and eat soup. And soup group is more casual than a regular dinner party because there aren’t multiple courses or any fancy trappings. You’re basically expected to show up in sweats.

tomato bread soup

So, now I’m curious: What soups do you like? This tomato and bread soup has only five ingredients.

chicken soup

On Emily Henderson‘s recommendation, I made this lemon-y chicken vegetable soup last Sunday. The flavors were bright and delicious.

zucchini soup

And Alex has whipped up this recipe many times. It tastes like it has a gallon of cream, even though it’s mostly zucchini. SO good with a baguette and chunk of gruyere on the side.

This winter, I’ve been making soup for our family, too, because it’s such a bang-for-your-buck way to cook. If you double the recipe, you’ll get multiple lunches and dinners. As Emily said, “soup is the salad you don’t have to make again and again.”

What soups do you recommend? Please share! I also like this 15-minute gem.

P.S. Five winter blues antidotes, and Liz’s full home tour, if you’d like to see.